Changes to Cash Shop EXP Coupons

Mesos4u Date: Apr/10/17 15:11:51 Views: 1121
Cash Shop EXP Coupons are undergoing a change during the v139. You will no longer be able to purchase these coupons with characters that are level 201 or above. If you purchase a coupon before level 201 and then level up, it will still grant bonus EXP to your character as long as it’s in your maplestory mesos. When it wears off, you will no longer be able to purchase another coupon with the character that is level 201 or above. Coupons that were purchased on a character that is level 201 or above before the v139 update will still be usable. This change will help balance Maplestory is late-game experience and ensure that the level 250 cap remains meaningful.