MapleStory Developer AMA Questions Finally Answered

Mesos4u Date: Apr/10/17 15:27:51 Views: 1413
The answers to a MapleStory Developer AMA originally opened in the beginning of January were recently posted. Nexon is ""Comms Director,"" Ruin3d, stated that, ""The team has been busy implementing a number of these changes which caused the slow Maple Story mesos. We also know there are more questions You d like answered but we wanted to get out what we have ASAP,"" in an update to the official thread on the GMS forums. So far, the questions and answers are highly reminiscent of that of those from the A Better Maple Campaign this past December, although Ruin3d seems to be implying that more answers are still to come. So what do you think: Is this AMA a legitimate attempt to reach out to the community or a shoddy PR stunt? Let us know in the comments below after you read the questions and answers in their entirety below.