New Explorable Island

Mesos4u Date: Apr/10/17 15:34:46 Views: 1114

It will be mission critical for players to battle Xerxes' army of destruction and ultimately restore the giants' power and peace throughout the island.After speaking with Chrysian chief Marione in the Greek inspired city, players will be able to explore the once-beautiful island that has unfortunately become awash in darkness and danger. maplestory mesos. By re-establishing contact with the giants of Chryse, players will learn of the fearsome monster known as Xerxes, whose army of monsters has ravaged the local townspeople. MapleStory players can now head to Chryse, a brand new explorable island that floats above the Orbis region.The new zone is specifically tailored for players in the 55-75 range with the ultimate goal of facing off against the island's boss, Xerxes.