We Provide a Manual Patch for players

Mesos4u Date: Apr/10/17 15:35:27 Views: 1146

These mutants however are much more powerful than their counterparts and will prove to be quite the challenge. Additionally, inside the new zone Dark Ereve is the Knight Stronghold, which is filled with Cygnus Knight enemies that have the same types of skills as the Cygnus Knight characters players can create. maplestory mesos. We provide a Manual Patch for players so they can download our upcoming content before it goes live.  This way you can be ready to go once our servers come back online!Players will soon be able to party up and explore the Gate to the Future and its surrounding ruins, which contain mutated versions of low level monsters that may be familiar to veteran fans.MapleStory players who want to get a head start downloading the Age of Heroes update scheduled to go live later this week will want to head to the official site.